Welcome to Dr. Beverly Lawrence's Home Page

Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy
The Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy is an online resource for Holistic Transformational Training, Summits, Holistic Transformation Podcast, and other services to help people transform their lives using Meditation to live a Holistic Healthy Life.

Dancing Bear Healing Center
The Dancing Bear Healing Center is an Online Holistic Health resource based on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Medical Astrology, Medical Hypnotherapy, Energy & Shamanic healing practices, as well as other alternative techniques to bring people back to optimal health & maintain that health.

Dancing Bear Way
The Dancing Bear Way is an online resource of Free information on holistic health, spirituaity & related articles from various sources.

ADBO Consulting supports a wide variety of consulting services in the tecnology, research, and support services area.
If you are just getting started with your online business we can connect you will the most cost effective ways to get started. We help you buy creating a plan for you to follow, and show you special affiliate programs where you can get services at a discounted rate.

Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy (DBEA)
The mission of the DBEA is to provide Holistic Transformation Programs for people interested in Holistic Health, Healthy Living, & Spiritual Development to Jump-Start their Journey of rising their frequencies to higher vibrations so that they can Live the life of their dreams.
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Dancing Bear Healing Center (DBHC)
The mission of the DBHC is to provide holistic healing possibilities in person & online to help people with pain, neuropathy, or complex chronic conditions return to and maintain good health.
We are in Cottonwood, Arizona. We see acupuncture patients in person there or we work online with Zoom using various healing modalities such medical astrology, holistic intuitice practices, essential oils, Flower Essences, energy work & shamanic practices online.
Visit DBHC to book your online appointment.

ADBO Consulting
The mission of ADBO Consulting is to provide technical assistance including AI for publications & marketing, website design, SEO, copywriting, marketing material, research documents, & related services as needed to help small business entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations with affordable online options to develop their business presence.
Take Me to ADBO Consulting WebsiteThe World is Changing
Globally everything is changing, humanities vibration is increasing. The old ways no longer work. "All lies are being revealed". We are here to help; you are not alone. Dr Beverly is available for FREE 15-minute consultations to explore how we might best facilitate your specific journey.

About Dr. Beverly
Dr. Beverly has over 35 years as a healing practitioner as well as over 5 years as a teaching assistant at a Naturopathic Medical School. In addition to her practice, she teaches online workshops, has a bi-weekly podcast, and hosts a semi-annual holistic transformation summit. She manages several Facebook specialty groups, has an APP with free information and courses, and is active in her community as an HOA board member, CERT volunteer, & Ham Radio Operator.
Book a Free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Beverly
HERE to see how we can help you!
vBlog, Articles, Books, DBEA, Summit, ADBO
Dr. Beverly hosts the Dancing Bear Enlightenment YouTube Channel and Podcast that also airs on Spotify, Simplecast, Apple, & other channels.
Go to YouTubeArticles Online
Dr. Beverly has articles published at other sites including PsycReg an online Psychological oriented magazine
Take Me to Articles PageDancing Bear Enlightenment Academy
About the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy
Go To DBEA APP WebsiteHolistic Transformation Summit
Dr. Beverly hosts the Holistic Transformation & Healing Mastery Summit twice a year
Go to Summit siteADBO Consulting
Dr. Beverly is the founder of ADBO Consulting that specializes in research, writing, and short term technology projects.
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